These guys just keep on coming. ‘Oiboy’ have come back with a different colour way of there best selling t-shirt, the ‘Darling’ Carling tee. Its always exciting getting emails from Oiboy as you never know quite what to...
The one thing I really like about being a small independent screen printer is that I get to meet and work with lots of other cool and inspiring independent brands. We printed these t-shirts and hoodies for Jason at Renegade Apparel. Such a good design and looked great...
T-shirts we screen printed for ‘Che Crook’ and levels Crooks tattoo shop. Che is a leading tattoo artist at the top of is game and a super nice guy, another job I was privileged to print. Check out his work on instagram...
We screen printed these t-shirts for ‘Arcadia Spectacular’ you know, the spider stage you have probably seen at festivals. These tee’s were for the crew tshirts after completing there first world...
It is great having the opportunity to work with such good people doing good such things. Here are some t-shirts and hoodies we screen printed for Lucy @ Yogadoo. All printed to top quility product and of course with top quility...